Our Solar System
Saturn, with 2 of it’s 82 moons, Phoebe and Iapetus - from a William Optics FLT-120, a 4.75” Refractor
Jupiter with 2 of it's 67 moons - Europa crossing above the top red band, and Io in bottom right
Meteor trace on a Polar aligned short time-lapse
Our Moon
Comet Tsuchinshan ATLAS from Ottawa, IL
Aurora in Ottawa, IL, from an iPhone-13
August 21 2017 Total Solar Eclipse at Bald Knob Cross, near Carbondale, IL - Take note of the size of the flare just above the right center edge. The total time of this eclipse is 2 minutes and 36 seconds
August 21 2017 Total Solar Eclipse at Bald Knob Cross, near Carbondale, IL
August 21 2017 Total Solar Eclipse at Bald Knob Cross, near Carbondale, IL
August 21 2017 Total Solar Eclipse at Bald Knob Cross, near Carbondale, IL. The white-colored "whiskers" and glow are the Corona - and only visible during a total eclipse.
August 21 2017 Total Solar Eclipse at Bald Knob Cross, near Carbondale, IL. Look at that same flare just above the right center edge. From the beginning of the eclipse as this flare began, to now 2 1/2 minutes later being able to easily fit the entire Earth (~7900 mile diameter) under the growing arch, shows that this flare is leaving the sun at much more than 189,000 mph
August 21 2017 Total Solar Eclipse at Bald Knob Cross, near Carbondale, IL
August 21 2017 Total Solar Eclipse at Bald Knob Cross, near Carbondale, IL